Jun 14, 2009 23:58
So, what have I been up to? A fair amount, let's see....
In about one minute it'll officially be my birth day, although by the time I finish writing this, it'll be past that.
Yesterday I re-organized Logan's and my bedroom. I moved the pet cages to the complete other side of the room, because due to how the room is set-up, over there, they look like they're not cutting into the open floor so much.
We're going to be building a hutch for Honey - she's getting too large for her cage, so I've put Moppy in Honey's cage, and Honey's been running around the hallway downstairs just outside the bedroom door. She loves it. She's able to work off all of her energy, though I do regret she doesn't have another bunny friend to run around with, they're social critters, and she'd enjoy it. I'm hoping if I can get her spayed, I can adopt a neutered male to be her friend. I hardly believe in same-sex pairs or groups with guinea pigs or even rabbits. With all the stories I've heard, if one gets sick, it has to be taken away from its buddy to be quarantined, and then by the time you re-introduce them, the guinea pig or rabbit left in teh cage decides it's going to be alpha now, or it just plainly won't accept its friend back into its territory. It's terribly stressful. I've found male-female pairs to be virtually indestructable. There's no same-sex competition, and they're generally calmer.
That said, I have many ideas for a hutch - some ridiculously expensive, and others economical and safe. I figure I'll be bringing her inside during the night anyways(many predators target their prey during the day, and hunt them at night, when its prey's people are inside, fast asleep. It's way some of a farmer's sheep go "missing" during the night. Wolves come in and watch the flock by day, target their prey, and attack at night. So, bringing Honey inside during the night would reduce the risk of an attack happening.
Oh, yes, Honey's officially litter-trained. :) Ah - it's nice to have a small animal litter-trained. Guinea pigs can be...but the rate is about 50%. Guinea pigs crap and pee where they eat, sleep, and wherever else they want. It's utterly digusting - I've figured it's some sort of comfort thing, as a nervous rabbit will sleep on it's bathroom pile because to smell themself in such a high potency is comforting. I just find what a guinea pig does utterly digusting, they stop where they are and take a pee, where rabbits hop over to one corner of their cage where they do EVERYTHING, and when they're done, they hop away. *sigh*
In the past couple of weeks we've caught-and-released 3 Common Snapping Turtles. Our first one was pretty small, found in the middle of the road as Logan and I were walking back home from the lake. the second was bigger, found on the road just outside the house's driveway, and the third, today, was the diameter of a basket ball, on the side of the road a few miles from home, while we were in the car. It was an interesting ride taking him to the lake where we released the two others - Logan held him on his lap pointing upwards, so the turtle didn't have a knee or arm available for him to snap at.
So, at least that we know of, there's 3 snapping turtles in that lake. Boy - can't wait to swim in the lake again, lol.
We got tarantula food for Logan's tarantula, Aragog, today. Bought some earthworm bait, and as he had no interest in the crickets we've been getting him, we're hoping he'll go after the earthworms. If not, he won't die - tarantula's eat their own silk webbing when they're deprived of nutrients. But asides from that, tarantulas are used to "fasting", they're still pretty feral pets, so they're accustomed to finding food during the summer, and virtually none in the winter.
Speaking of winter... I've realized I'm fine with snow..... Or, Iw ould be fine with snow, if I lived in an area where there was no cars for transportation. What really gets me during the winter is the brown sludge on the roadways. Hate it. Ew, gross. Lol.... So if I lived in a place, where horses were used instead, I'd be golden.
Speaking of winter-like attributes, it hailed today for a few minutes. That was interesting.
So...talked to Sarah yesterday. We had a nice conversation, she's doing well.
Went to the pet store today... got the guinea pig and the bunny some Oxbow hay - which I was pretty surprised Pet Supplies Plus had it, s'pose I shouldn't be though - they aren't your typical pet store with a dozen of ill and lonely animals. Honey has a new nickname - Snak. Compliments from Logan's dad. ^_^
Weeelll.... I'm really deprived of female companionship. The only friends we have here that we see on a "daily" basis are guys. And ..they're great and everything, but I miss female companionship. *sigh* And then when they're here I'm left cleaning up their dirty dishes.... and I guess I'm just sick of feeling like the maid.
Anyways.... I'm going to go run around some more. Kinda sick of doing the same thing online day after day. I'll update later - probably a few months are so.