Feb 19, 2009 12:41
I`ve been trying to get my apartment clean (at least the living room) because I have a few students coming over this weekend (Sunday) to enjoy Tacos with me. They are curious about Tex Mex and I am eager for Tex Mex, even if I have to make it using a box of Old El Paso stuff I bought in Nagoya. Can`t be too bad.
Anwyay, cleaning is difficult for me anyway, but couple the fact that the last 9 tenant of this place were guys with hoards of stuff left behind (which in 9 months I have only barely gotten organized) and lots of stains as well...Well, this isn`t the easiest situation, is it? So I moved the mountain bike to the balcony and moved in a coffee table in its place. I found enough cloth to go over it so I can store things beneath it for the party. I have to vacuum the huge brown rug in that room and try to get the stove area at least looking a little less grimy (9 years of guys, come on!) and so on...
This is fairly tricky, but I`ll figure it out. At least my other room can stay out of sight for the time being.
Last night I put together cushions- added buttons to the top cushions so I could latch the bottom cushions to them so now I have a bunch of fairly cute, inexpensive but comfy cushions for sitting. Yay!
And the buttons were on sale- a sack the size of my hand of random mixmatched buttons for ¥100! I bought 3 sacks way back when and finally got to use them.
Also, I am reading Hugh Laurie`s book The Gun Seller, which so far is terribly witty. I highly recommend it to any lover of the British.