(no subject)

Jun 16, 2011 13:22

I've been working on getting back into the Harry Potter mindset so I can finally get somewhere with my help_japan fic, and while reading the HP Wiki, I came across a few very amusing pictures.

LMAO, how have I not seen this before? The Slug Club in Lucius' time. Fabulous. I wish we knew what 70s wizarding fashion was like. No, I wish JKR would write another book series covering the era of the parent generation at Hogwarts.

And then there's this:

Could be so perfect if not for the awful hair on that woman. Would it have been so hard to give her a long blonde wig? Quick, someone photoshop those horrible bangs!

Digging out my favorite icon of all time in anticipation of ficcage, and the upcoming movie. Less than a month! :)


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