I really love holiday fic exchanges. It's so interesting to see what a variety of stories gets produced, and having the fic communities flooded with all sorts of goodies at once is exciting.
smutty_claus is in full swing, and also the Tokio Hotel fic exchange, and while I really prefer gen fic for the latter, I like getting peeks at stuff I wouldn't usually read, squicks nonwithstanding. Nice :) Now I'm eagerly awaiting my gift to be posted. Hee!
Speaking of Christmas, here's our tree, for the amusement of
As you may know, I collect blown glass Christmas tree ornaments. The weirder, the better. This is the general idea.
Some of my favourite pieces from my collection:
Yoda and C3PO.
Boba Fett and Darth Vader (a little hard to see).
Harry catching the Snitch.
Hogwarts Express. I'm so happy I snatched this up when I had the chance, a few years ago. It's really hard to get by now and has tripled in value.
White Malfoy peacock with real feather. Bwahahaha.
Care Bear (and, above, a flamingo). This is a new one I got this year. Love it :)
Vegas logo and slot machine, for the dormant gambler in me. Lol.
I also have lots of very nice, if more conventional, pieces like snowmen and Santas and angels and stars, but I like the kooky ones best. I think my favourite is the Hogwarts Express, closely followed by the flamingo. Randomness wins. :)
Also, I meant to show off these new shoes that I got in London!
Hawt, no? Now if only the matching fuschia Mulberry Roxanne I saw on sale yesterday hadn't been sold out. I'm seriously mourning that loss. Omg I wanted that bag so bad.
I now need to go and do more Christmas-related DIY stuff so I can make the family happy next week, even if they don't really make me happy atm.
Hope everyone's getting nicely into the holiday spirit! ♥