Jun 11, 2007 19:10
After I got home from Utah, I lived at home for a few months. I have always lived at home. The only time that I didn't really live at home was when I was in college and when I was in Utah.
When I was in college it wasn't really like living on my own. I didn't really pay for my own stuff. I was just like I was living at school and went home some times. Toward the end of college I did live in an apartment with some of my fraternity brothers, but it still wasn't like living on my own. I used my dad's credit card to pay for things I needed or wanted. The money left over from my school loans, which I don't pay, was what paid my rent. It just wasn't actual living.
When I was in Utah, which was only for like three or four months, I didn't pay for my own place there either. I was there for a job and my place of living was set up through the company that I was working for. I still used my dad's credit card to pay for food and stuff. So, it wasn't really like real living either.
Like I said, I lived at home for a few months after Utah. I didn't have job and was running out of money pretty fast. I could have still used dad's credit card, but I felt bad about it because he was starting to accumulate his own bills plus mine. I decided that I needed to get a job.
I looked for work at home and I applied at a couple of different places. Wal-Mart called me to come in for an interview. After the interview, they never called me back. I started thinking, "If Wal-Mart won't hire me, I am in trouble." So, my boyfriend and I decided to move.
I actually decided to move first because I got a job at the same company that one of my cousins works in, but it was in a different city. I asked Alex if he wanted to come along and there was no having to twist his arm. So we moved.
We came up here and found a place to live, our own place. He found a job. Two actually. I have my job. Now we have rent to pay and other various bills: power, cable, gas, etc… We have two cats, who have to eat. We have to eat as well.
I have to handle the money, Alex sucks at money. Between our three jobs, we get all of the bills paid, and we still manage to eat. We don’t eat very well, but we do eat.
As I type this entry, it sounds more and more like we are living real life in our own place together. The whole point in this entry was to describe how unreal it feels. The other day I was standing, I don’t remember what I was doing, and it hit me, “This feels like we are playing house.
It’s like when you were in the first grade and you would pretend to be married to the guy you had a crush on. He would leave the play house area and stay gone for like 45 seconds. This 45 seconds was supposed to represent him being at work all day. During that 45 seconds you would pretend to wash dishes, clean, and make dinner. After he “came home” from “work”, you would pretend eat the pretend food you pretend made. You know what I’m talking about. Well, that is how it feels, kind of.
Now I go to work all day and Alex goes to work all day and night. I sit at home by myself way longer than 45 seconds. And in that “45 seconds” none of the dishes, laundry, dinner gets done, at all. We are lucky Alex works at two fast food places.
I guess it really is like real life, it just doesn’t seem like it. I dread the event that makes it seem real. I guess we’ll invest in happy pills when that day comes.
For now, I am going to Play House.