Title: The Two Left Feet Approach.
Author: pekeleke
Rating: G.
Pairing(s): Severus Snape/Harry Potter.
Challenge: N/A
Word Count: 2437
Content: One-sided pining. Getting together. Birthday fic.
Disclaimer: The characters, setting, and the HP franchise as a whole are owned by JKR and not by me. I make no profit from writing this piece of fanfiction.
Summary: "I'm not drunk. Or drugged. Or cursed. I haven't made a bet with anyone or have plans to humiliate you. I just- I like you, Snape. A lot. And I'm here to- to- er- I don't know. Wish you a happy birthday, I guess."
A/N: Written in celebration of Severus Snape's birthday. Have a lovely day, Severus! ❤️
The Two Left Feet Approach. )