May 10, 2007 09:49
It’s been a long time since I updated, and here’s why: I’m generally happy (knock wood). And happy is good. My stress level has been fluctuating around a manageable level, and my mood tends to follow my stress level. Here’s a general state of things with the Bess.
School: The semester is winding down. I was a section leader for the first time this semester, so I’ve got a stack of grading taunting me as I type. Section leading is fun, and I’d like to do it again (or even teach my own class), but that will have to wait. For soon I will be Research Woman - all research all the time! No classes or teaching for me until at least January. I’ve found myself in the “pitch” slot in my advisor’s mind. Pitch is not exactly what I want to study, but it’s close enough that I’m gonna give it a try. This is an apprenticeship, after all.
Home: Living in south Minneapolis with Mr. Mike and our various roommates and guests (and a porch kitty). Our tulips came up, but there’s no sign of daffodils yet. We’re splitting a farm share from Harmony Valley Farms, and it should be fun to try to keep up with the veggies. So far, I’m skeptical of parsnips, and we haven’t even touched our black radishes. I’ve also started knitting recently. My first hat is pretty and soft and way too small. Now I’m working on a net bag that isn’t going so well. I suspect I’ll be reusing that yarn to try again.
Today: Today I biked to school for the first time. Yay! And now I’m updating my Livejournal. Yay! And later I’ll go to the dentist for the first time in x years. Yay! Wait, what’s that? You say there’s some grading to be done….?