Sarah Palin will waste her time on bullshit

Oct 05, 2008 21:37

Anyone can admit that she needs to play catch-up in the WORST way. She has not made one statement that affirms her understanding of foreign diplomacy, United States government history, the Pan-Islam movement, or economics.

A wise use of her time would be to CRAM HER ASS OFF about these things to refute the BIGGEST concern INTELLIGENT voters have: she doesn't know jack. Instead, she has spent her time pulling quotes off of Starbucks cups and accusing Obama of befriending terrorists.

The cheap and easy tactic for the Obama campaign (in other words, playing the McCain/Palin game) would be to strike back and highlight Todd Palin's association with these guys. So she either desires to break up the United States (specifically, an ENERGY PRODUCING STATE, right Mrs. Palin?), or she throws her political ties around like a fratboy's jizz at a rohypnol party. That doesn't sound like the naive, straight-shooting, Jane-six-pack Washington Outsider she's been trying to sell us, does it?

She's wasting our time on bullshit when she should be hitting the books.
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