Mead batches 1 and 2, 1/25/09

Jan 25, 2009 19:11

Batch 1, started 1/25/09
- 1 gal Snoqualmie Valley Wild Blackberry Honey
- 3 gal water
- 1 large package 4184 (Sweet Mead) w/ nutrients
- 1 tsp Diammonium phosphate
- 2 tbsp nutrients
- 1.75 L Simply Orange Juice (and a wee bit of TJ's grapefruit)
- 1.5 tbsp acid blend
- 1.5 tbsp pectic enzyme
- 1 heaping tsp wine tannins

Batch 2, started 1/25/09
- 1 gal Snoqualmie Valley Wild Blackberry Honey
- 3 gal water
- 1 large package 4632 (Dry Mead) w/ nutrients
- 1 tsp Diammonium phosphate
- 1 tbsp nutrients
- 1.6-1.7 L TJ's Grapefruit Juice
- 1.5 tbsp acid blend
- 1.5 tbsp pectic enzyme
- 1 heaping teaspoon wine tannins

Total yield between batches: approx. 8 gallons. Should do the first racking in ~1mo, bottling some time around October, first tasting around New Year's.

Misread the directions, so the yeast was ready long before the honey mixture was cool. Put it in the fridge to keep. Need smaller pots for boiling; should boil with a minimal amount of water and add cold water afterward.


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