May 01, 2006 00:24
Due to the fact that I probably won't have a job come Tuesday, and my subsequent inability to pay any sort of rent, any and all of my possessions are hereby offered to any who are interested. It is a 100% off liquidation in preparation for my permanent departure from my current residence. If I'm not too busy looking for a new job or ignoring my friends, I will be available at any time. Call 321-537-9940 until my phone gets cut off. Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am hereby updating this post as of 2:07 this morning.
I have recovered from my mood, but am going to leave my original post standing to serve two purposes. First, this is to give you an example of the kind of speech and behavior I exhibit when under depression so that, if you haven't seen it before, you know what to avoid/pay no attention to. Second, it is to remind myself of the condition under which I place myself so that I might someday do something about it. This condition was brought on by my over-reaction to my employers being upset with me but was aggravated by my lack of food this weekend, even more so than regularly. I am now eating a bowl of Raisin Bran and have sufficiently distracted myself with Raymond Feist's King of Foxes. Unfortunately, my computer did not survive quite as intact, as I, in my insanity, succeeded in deleting all of my music, pictures, games, videos and anything else remotely recreational. I am quite inconvenienced by all of this, but there is no serious damage, so please, disregard the original section of this post. Thank you.