Otherwise known as: The stuff I found funny as hell in Landels chat room.
Kadaj: Remy was supposed to make a thousand-year-old war come to an end, unite the two side, create peace on earth, save a kitten, and bring down heaven upon all things.
Kadaj: "And Lo! Jesus was reincarnated as sex on legs. And they named him Remy.
Kadaj: And his life did sucketh."
Deadpool: "And verily, he did maketh the shit bloweth upeth..."
StormHart: And played hard to catch with the lady who sucketh all powers into her skin
Kadaj: And said wench then left our Lord in the cold land of Antartica.
Kadaj: And the world wept, for there was no fine ass to oggle.
StormHart: And later he wenteth through the time to make her like him again
Kadaj: And then begged the Lord to leave her from his graces, for she hath abused him
Riku: materia. that's a good idea.
StormHart: No, bad. No materia, but good idea to try anyway to find out bad
Sephie: ::likes that idea, because damn it, there is a doc that's a materia specialist, it's canon to Landels!! *pokes files::
StormHart: *re-reads* I make no sense even to myself
Hakkai: *amused at Squall*
StormHart: Okay, how I see it, they don't know it's a bad idea, so they try it anyway, and that's how they find out it's a bad idea.
StormHart: Because it's a good idea to try
StormHart: *re-reads* okay that's a little better
Alex: < blinks at Squall >
StormHart: Okay, one more time: Squall and party don't know that refining materia is a bad idea, so it's a good idea for them to try refining it, so they can learn that refining materia is a bad idea
Jubilee: so make a mistake to find out its a mistake?
StormHart: Yes!
Kadaj: We have a mutual distrust currently.
StormHart: Yup
Kadaj: But they're both criminals, so distrust comes easily.
StormHart: ..... What I do is legal. Immoral, but legal.
Kadaj: What I do is illegal, but moral.
StormHart: It's the part when you stop and I'm still awake that you don't want
Greed-Sama: Cloud's got to get through the shield first.
StormHart: It'll go down soon enough, and so will Alex and it appears that I'll be having company on the mindscape, so the spell barrage should let up some...
Greed-Sama: Some?
Sephie: hahaha
Alex: ?
Sephie: you're about to get mentally mauled I bet
Alex: .....a bit, maybe
StormHart: Yeah, some
StormHart: ......This is gonna be fun
Alex: ......only if your a masochist
StormHart: Just think, he's down and bleeding, and attacking people with infectious viral blood. Perfect opportunity in my book.
Greed-Sama: *shoves boys behind Seph* Stay there and hind. People keep targeting you today.
Sephie: ;_;
Greed-Sama: hine*
Sephie: and what?
Greed-Sama: *screams and tries again* hide*
Sephie: ::goes to dictionary.com cause that was just interesting::
Greed-Sama: *glares at fingers for not being able to type*
StormHart: I thought you wanted me to be part of your family?
Sephie: \Hine\, n. [See Hind a servant.] A servant; a farm laborer; a peasant; a hind.
Greed-Sama: It's a real word?
Sephie: yep
Alex: < blinks > Neat
Sephie: so hide behind Seph and be a servant
Sephie: he can go for that
Alex: < laughs >
Greed-Sama: *laughs* Zack says that's kinda his job anyway
Sephie: ::smirks:: yep
Greed-Sama: And, Squall, we want you, it's just the hurting part that comes before.
Sephie: it's like, an intiation rite
Sephie: Quistis did it too
Greed-Sama: Zack liked his.
Sephie: and Kadaj and Cloud screamed at each other as soon as Seph was introduced
Sephie: ::closes an eye:: Alex had the brainbreakage
Sephie: Zack near bled to death
Sephie: so, yeah, becoming family on the official is apparently painful
Sephie: like giving birth
Alex: < snickers >
StormHart: Squall's brain is going to be in such chaos....
StormHart: I think mines going to be the hardest then, if it happens tonight
Greed-Sama: *pets the Squall*
StormHart: And damn but blood is hard to get out of feathers
Sephie: just, yeah, someone bleed on him
Sephie: then Seph can fix him
Greed-Sama: My friend played up to this part and saved it just so I could watch.
Greed-Sama: Has a bit of Cloud and Leon in it as well
Greed-Sama: And Seph is the shiny, damnit.
Greed-Sama: You can't deny it here.
StormHart: Pretty! -loves on Leon-
Greed-Sama: The banter.
Greed-Sama: "What, you're fighting too?"
Sephie: ::waiting for it to load::
StormHart: Totally
Greed-Sama: *pets Seph* Shiny
Greed-Sama: So very, very shiny.
Greed-Sama: DP saved just before that part so I could see it.
StormHart: Leon and Cloud *fit* damnit.
Greed-Sama: I like LeonCloud.
Envy: Sephiroth is the dark part of Cloud's heart?
StormHart: Even if I didn't care for the pairing, they make an awesome team
StormHart: Aeris is the light
Greed-Sama: They don't even try to hide the slash.
Envy: Ah ok
StormHart: Nope.
Greed-Sama: Fangirls don't even have to work for it.
Envy: Nope, it's already slashed
Greed-Sama: Even less subtexty than Advent Children, and that barely had any.
Greed-Sama: *snickers*
StormHart: -loves on Masamune- So freaken long!
Sephie: ::dies::
Greed-Sama: Shiny
Sephie: that... yeah, no hiding at all unless you're BLIND
StormHart: And deaf
StormHart: And dumb
Sephie: and comatose
StormHart: Maybe dead
Sephie: so, the dark path is gayness and the light path is het?
Greed-Sama: Dead would be a good requirement for not seeing it. Maybe
Greed-Sama: *sooo far down the dark path*
StormHart: Embrace the darkness Riku! Embrace it!