Title: Introspection
Fandom: FFVII/HP Lovecraft
Claim: DemonZack/Harem
Prompt: Perthro
Word Count: 270
Rating: PG O.O
Vincent likes his job. There isn’t, actually, that much to do, but he finds ways of filling the time. He has specially selected staff caring for the master’s house and properties, monitoring spells on all points of entry to both the house and the planet proper, and he’s been working on setting up an alarm system for the past few years that will alert to fluctuations in the very fabric of the plane they exist on. Just in case.
He also makes discrete inquiries into the affairs of the master’s fellow demons, compiling file after file on potential allies, enemies and prey. He’s very thorough. He goes back as many generations as are recorded and plots family tree’s in the off chance the master’s father ever tries setting up another forced mating for his son. Among the unrelated and eligible females he marks those that would be potentially suitable, and those that aren’t, he spreads very discrete rumors.
Demons love dirty laundry as much as their human meals.
All this he does because he loves Zack, as he loves his son and the three humans that currently share their bed. He loves them and covets them and wants them to be safe. He’s greedy and possessive but he knows his strength and his place and Zack is his master, a title that carries particular weight among their kind. Any of them would die for Zack because he told them to. A demon would die for his master without needing the order. It’s a level of trust and commitment that makes human marriage trivial.
He likes his job. He loves Zack.