Okay. My first post. *cringe*
stole this off Saintli, hope she doesn't mind :)
1. Full Name: Peggy Lockwood-Lord
2. Date & time of birth: 20th November 1993.. bout 15:30ish? After 12 long hours [apparently]
3. Hospital of birth: Hull Maternity Hospital, I think. It's gone now anyway :(
4. Other names your parents wanted to name you: Nope. No other names, just Peggy. Unfortunately. They'd have been buggared if I turned out to be a guy.
5. Hair & eye color: Dark brown hair, green eyes.
6. Desired hair & eye color: The same I think, my hair colour's not too bad. My eyes could be greener.
7. Height & weight: about 5'6, 9 and a half stone. something like that anyway.
8. Shoe size: About 5 and a half or 6.
9. Pants size: 12/14. I'm a biggun.
10. Shirt size: 14
11. Cup size: 34C or 36B
12. Age: 16
13. Grade: I'm in year 11? if thats what you mean. Shit this is American! Oh well, can't duck out now. I'm in this for the whole ride.
14. GPA: What?! ohh grade point average. As? Bs? maybe a C or two.
15. Who is/are your best friend(s)?: *sigh* my answer is very different to what I would have put a month or so ago. Emily, Gert, Liss, Rachel, Imo.
16. Are your friends mostly older or younger than you?: Kind of the same, give or take a few months.
17. Who do you sit with at lunch?: Gert and Liss, nowadays, when they're not off doing some disgusting sport. *shudder*
18. How often do you get introuble for talking to your friends in class?: Too much.
19. Which friends live the closest to you?: Gert and Liss, 20 mins away. :(
20. The farthest?: Emily. All the way in Hull.
21. Are your friends mostly like you or is there a variety?: There's quite a variety, but we all mostly laugh about the same stuff.
22. Do you & your friends dress alike?: Not at all. Well, i say not at all, none of us are very extremist.
23. Who was the last friend you hungout with?: Gert, Liss and Imo at the weekend. Our weekly film night, 'cause we're so cool.
24. Where do you & your friends usually hangout?: Usually my house. Due to the lack of siblings :)
25. Which friend is the best with giving advice?: I don't really ask for advice, but if I do, it's always Emily.
26. Can you tell your best friends anything?: I thought I could. Maybe soon I will.
27. Name your siblings: NONE! ahahahaha. Joy to the world.
28. Which ones do you get along with the most?:
29. What's your mom & dad's middle names?: Anthony and ... lemme just ask her... nope no middle name for my mamma. I thought not.
30. Who is your favorite family member?: Dad or Grandma Lottie, although that answer would be very different if I had to live with her. :)
31. Least favorite?: Julie or Wendy, stupid aunts.
32. Which family member haven't you seen in awhile?: Geoff, although that may be because he doesn't leave the house, on account of the fact that he is FAT :)
33. Are you related to anyone moderately famous?: Umm, my dad looks a hell of a lot like Vic Reeves?
34. Which of your cousins are your favorite?: Sally
35. Do you have any step family members?: Can you have a step-Grandma? We just call her Doreen.
36. Which member of your family gives the most expensive gifts?: Neil and Anneke [uncle and aunt] usually extremely pointless expensive crap.
37. Does most of your family live close or far?: They're all within about 2 hours travelling distance.
38. Single or taken?: Single
39. If single, are you looking?: I'm contemplating my current situation with a close friend. It's all very confusing.
40. If taken, are you happy?: ...
41. Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?: Alex Smith. It was nice.
42. How long was your longest relationship?: urgh. 5 months. 5 awful, pointless months.
43. Ever been in love?: I don't think so.
44. Have you ever said "I love you" & DIDN'T mean it?: Perhaps no more than once. And definitely not to a partner.
45. Do you like anyone now?: Yes. A lot.
46. Can teenagers love?: ...Yeah..Yes...Definitely...I think. Whether it will last is another thing.
47. Who was your first crush?: Haha, Dean Aneke, a beautiful black boy in year 3. [we were both in year 3, I'm not a paedo] :)
48. What's the longest you've liked someone for?: On and off for 3 or 4 years.
49. When was your last kiss?: A friendly sixth former at a party a few months ago.
50. Would you kiss the person you kissed last again?: No. He's a bit weird.
51. How would you describe your style?: ..I have no idea. Quite unique, god I sound like a twat. I like boots.
52. What's your favorite store(s) to shop at?: H&M
53. Do you only shop at those stores or do you shop anywhere?: I mostly shop at H&M out of habit, but if I like something- really like it -it doesn't matter where from.
54. Are you one of the less-conceited people who will shop at Wal*Mart, Kmart, etc?: Yeah, Tacky Maxx ftw :P
55. Do you like to thrift shop?: Not really, my mam does though
56. Do you buy clothes from garage sales?: I never have. But never say never.
57. What's your favorite shirt?: I dunno, a big baggy one.
58. What about favorite pair of pants?: My studded, fucking heavy skinnies.
59. What's your least favorite current trend?: God, I dunno. Skinnies?
60. What decade do you love the fashion from?: I quite like 80s
61. Who is your fashion icon?: Haha, Noel Fielding, Dee Plume, Peaches? nah I'd look shocking in lycra D:
62. Which of your friend's wardrobe to you want to raid?: umm...none of them really :P [cheeky buggar, I am]
63. Who was your first best friend?: Emily. Since I was born :)
64. Which kids in your neighborhood did you hang out with most?: I...don't
65. What preschool did you go to?: I went to Constable St nursery :)
66. What about elementary school?: First St.Thomas More primary in Hull, and Westgate Junior School in Lincoln
67. What is your favorite childhood memory?: Playing with my Grandma Lottie :)
68. What pet do you miss from your childhood?: William the ferret :(
69. Which friends from your childhood do you still talk to?: Emily. Almost every day.
70. What were your favorite toys as a child?: My rhino!
71. Did you like to play dress-up?: Not really. My dad's clothes were my fave.
72. What was your worst childhood memory?: My cat pissing on me in the car. It was horrific. My parents laughed. I cried.
73. Were you a good or bad kid?: I was a great baby! Didn't cry at night or anything. But yeah I was quite spoiled.
74. Family or friends?: Both
75. Necklace or bracelet?: Both... but actually necklace.
76. Junk food or healthy food?: Junk. of course.
77. Pink or purple?: Purple
78. Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon?: Nickelodeon
79. MTV or FUSE?: MTV.
80. Rock or rap?: Rock
81. White or black?: Black.
82. Pirates or ninjas?: Pirates, Jack Sparrow did it for me!
83. Anime or manga?: umm neither.
84. Open or closed?: Each have their place :)
85. Screamo or emo?: I have no idea. Emo.
86. Love or hate?: Love. obviously
87. Girly or tomboy?: Tomboy at heart
88. Coffee or tea?: Tea all the way!!
89. Computer or TV?: Computer. More easy porn :)
90. Which of your teachers can't you stand?: Yuk. French and RE. Stupid wankers.
91. Easiest class?: French. So I wonder why I'm failing??
92. Hardest class?: ...Art, it's so fucking dead-liney!!!
93. What school do you go to?: Lincoln Christ Hospital School [but don't hold it against me, I am atheist]
94. What high school do/did/will you go to?:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
95. What time do you wake up for school?: approx 6:45 am
96. What time do you go to bed on school nights?: 23:00. I'm supposed to anyway.
97. Favorite thing about school?: My friends.
98. Least favorite?: Mr.Stevens and Mrs.Fellows :@
99. Most embarassing school memory?: ...when i got so angry I cried. THAT was annoying.
100. Worst teacher you ever had?: Mrs.Fellows.
101. Best teacher you ever had?: ...Mrs Butler maybe. She's my Spanish teacher.
102. Band: Peaches, Robots In Disguise, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Frank Zappa
103. Singer: Peaches, Frank Zappa
104. Food: Mmmm Chinese
105. Candy: umm..I'm not sure...those chewy cherries.
106. Type of shoe: Big boots. Doc.Martens and the like
107. Eye color: Green
108. Thing you own: My ipod classic. And my Dad.
107. Cake icing flavor: Vanilla, is there any other kind?
108. Pie filling: Banoffie!
109. Person: Emily
110. Celebrity: Peaches. She's such a fuckin legend.
111. Soda: Root Beer
112. Flower: Dunno, not really my thing.
113. Color(s): Turquoize. Blue. like kind of electric blue
114. Song: hmm. There are a lot.
115. Day of the week: Saturday
116. Week: what?! Like ever? Big Chill festival 2008!!
117. Year of your life: I think I'm having it now.
118. Time of day: Evening, sleep to come. :)
119. Place: Bed. Or the cinema.
120. Book: oh god, too many, Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time is immensely amazing!
121. Screenname you've had: I've only ever had one.
122. Number: 21. and if pushed : 3 and 7.