Sep 02, 2003 20:01
there are these girls on my hall who scream. they scream for no reason. let me amend that. they SCREECH for no reason. a scream would imply a somewhat human noise, maybe even something intelligible, like a word spoken loudly. these girls simply make noises that are very baboon-like. i almost expect to see them running down the halls with enlarged red anal areas, probing holes in the walls with sticks in hopes of discovering ants. then they scream things like "ewww" and "NO" for god knows what reason, and that is almost as bad. and they do this at all hours of the day.
not like i'm surprised. one of them is from new york, and anna overheard her yelling at her mom on the phone for sending her presents because "come on mom, u know i'd rather just have the money!"
i = HATE STUCK UP BITCHES. remind me to kill them in their sleep. it shall be done. seriously. and they have this one friend who wears this hat every damn time she's here, and she is one of the loudest. i just want to go up to her and take the hat off, tell her that that is SO last year and SO britney spears, and then shove one of my numerous plastic forks through her windpipe.