you. have. GOT. to be shitting me.

Sep 26, 2005 09:41

"Well Ms Crawley, the time won't be up until... Septemb... oh the time is already up. Have you completed your DUI course? (yes) Ok well we'll need the certificate of completion for that, and $210. (do I just take those to the testing facility?) You can't do anything today because the centers are closed. (that's ok, but I do just take those to the testing center?) what location? (athens) yeah, that'll be fine." - woman on the phones at the DMV

BY A COLOSSAL FUCK-UP, THE DEPARTMENT OF DRIVER SERVICES HAS IT RECORDED THAT I WAS DUE FOR A 6 MONTH REVOCATION, NOT A YEAR. MY COURT DATE BEING MARCH 9th, IT HAS BEEN OVER 6 MONTHS ALREADY. i would never have noticed this, but for some reason i was going through my papers and noticed under "period of revocation" that it said 6 months on the official notice of revocation from the DMV. I thought, hmm that's probably just a clerical error. Yeah, a clerical error ... that carried over into the DDS computer system apparently!

haha State of Georgia, FUCK YOU, YOU MORONS! way to enforce those DUI restrictions - you guys suck. for once, governmental idiocy actually works in my favor. write it down the in the record books. i was fucked up, apparently well on my way to alcohol poisoning, and all i get is SIX MOTHERFUCKIN MONTHS. and at least a third of those i couldn't drive anyways because i had surgery.

HA MOTHERFUCKIN HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. oh i laugh at you georgia. i revel in the glory that is life, the glory that is a woman on the other line saying "the time will be up (pause, during which i am thinking 'shit it WAS just an error, she's going to say march, damn it i hate that i got my hopes up) ... september... oh it already is up." as soon as the s of september started sliding through the speaker and into my ear, i experienced a rush of euphoria that is unimaginable.

as soon as my dad can get my car up here, i'll go take the test. i'll get insurance with progressive (which i think is going to somehow be cheaper than my old insurance? yeah it'll be shitty coverage, but who cares? just don't get in a wreck, ok, got it!) and (other than the specter of probation) i'll be done with this shit. DONE WITH IT.

so just take a moment right now and laugh. laugh at georgia, laugh at the government, laugh at police, laugh at life, because this shit is ridiculous.
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