After 16+ hours of driving and over 1000 miles, i'm glad to be home. Well my adventure is San Fransico was butt loads of fun! ok we all know that it's not a 16 hour drive... but it is 8 hours there and back... plus all the time driving around. And the 1000 miles comes from, well 400+ miles to oakland on the I-5 and then 500+ miles back home from SFSU on the 101. Anyways, James and Katie are doing very well in their new places, and they both have nice campuses, not that i saw much of james but the housing was nice (outside of the fact that I think there should be a red stripe down the halls). Oh man speaking of nice housing. On the way to Katies place i took the first of 3 McArthur's, apparently I was supposed to take the 2nd, katie just didn't know there was the first one. Anyways, so i got off on the wrong exit and it ended up to be the most ghetto part of East Oakland, oh man was the scary. But after like half an hour of driving around, I finally found Mills college, WHICH IS WAY PRETTY. You feel like a thousand times safer, like it's in its own bubble of seclusion or something. Well on to my adventure in San Fran. The next morning after arriving, katie and i ventured around San francisco, did alot of walking and stuff. It was way fun!
After some time we met up with James at his apartment. I met his room mate Alec for like half a minute. he seemed nice enough though. I also met one of his other room mates ray, He's a way fun guy, and we hung out with him that evening. Also met some of his friends and ya di da di da. so yeah a group of us went to Japan town and ate dinner and then Dum da da DUM! went to Japanese Karaoke! oh man is that fun! you get your own room, and you dont have to worry about stupid karaoke whores who take the whole thing to seriously. It just makes it a thousand times more fun!
So I left this morning around 10:30, and took like 30 minutes trying to find a gas station with diesel fuel. That was way annoying. I finally got on the road at 11 and shazam~ 8 hours later Im home! The 101 is so much more fun of a drive than the 5 even though it's longer. So yeah now i'm tired and going to sleep, because I have to work at 6 am. so kiddies im out. P.S i'm never goign to drive that long by myself ever again! no matter how pleasant the drive home was (it really was nice and calming) never driving that far alone!
Gas and Random crap: $100
Hours alone on the road: 16+
Time spent hanging out with two of my best buds and waiting for their weirdo friend to scream "FAME!": Priceless
Ciao For Now