Jun 29, 2007 17:13
I figured I owed a post and since I've finally got down what I'm doing this summer I thought now was a good time. The end of the semester and my first year was fine. I had a little trouble in my philosophy class with the professor that is my boss for my assistantship but I made it out OK in the end. I've been in a flux for a while because I applied for a job where Paulina works to call people for health surveys (she works at a Michigan Public Health Institute). They took a long time getting back to me, then offered to interview me for another position. I wound up doing the calling thing for a couple days then moving to the other job where I am an intern in Paulina's division. Basically I just do everyone else's busy work as I am the lowest on the ladder but it pays better than the other job and I get to do a variety of stuff. Mostly so far it has been transcribing interviews and data entry. So all that took about a month so I basically had May off. I had a good time playing softball, hanging with new philosophy friends, and being lazy. I also took a class from May-Jun about clinical consultation. It was with a lawyer who kinda reminded me of me when I was hella argumentative freshman year. I only got into it with him once and I was trying to get out of it the whole time but he didn't want to let up. It was kinda funny because afterwards he sent an e-mail that was like 'most of you agreed with me in class, one of you didn't' and then he cited Michigan law which said my position was illegal. I was trying to see if my position was moral, I knew it was illegal, so I thought it was funny. This summer I also have to decide where I'm going to apply to med school and then send in my application. Luckily the application is mostly done because I had to do it for the pre-interview at Whitman. Also I've started on the biomedical institutional review board (BIRB) at MSU which overviews all human subject research that is biomedical. Our job is to make sure the subject's rights are protected. I'm the only student which is a little intimidating. It also kinda funny cause through our anonymous review process I'm basically telling doctors and professors to change their research in various ways. We had our annual IRB retreat the other week which was fun because we basically just talked about ethical IRB issues. I also got free food and some schwag (an msu pen/keychain and irb paper) which I was excited about. In the beginning of May we also found a new apartment to move to to be closer to Paulina's work (and mine for now) and to be on a major bus route for campus. We're moving the weekend before August 1st. I'm also coming home the week of Aug 6-10th and if my mom releases me I'll try and make it to Seattle though that may be a long shot. I think that's about it.