Advice from Henry James

Apr 11, 2012 14:23

I follow the blog Letters of Note which posts every day a letter from someone in history, some famous and some not. I'm catching up a bit; a few days ago an extraordinarily beautiful letter by Henry James was the one chosen. About this letter, the editor of the site writes:In July of 1883, the novelist Henry James received an emotional letter from Grace Norton - a good friend and fellow writer who, following a death in the family, had recently become depressed and was desperate for direction. James's beautiful response can be seen below. It is, without a doubt, one of the greatest letters of advice I've ever had the fortune to read.
(Source: Henry James: Selected Letters)131 Mount Vernon St.,

July 28th

My dear Grace,

Before the sufferings of others I am always utterly powerless, and the letter you gave me reveals such depths of suffering that I hardly know what to say to you. This indeed is not my last word-but it must be my first. Read the rest of the letter here.
The editor's right. This is an extraordinarily beautiful and wise response to suicidal despair.

Thanks, Henry James.

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light in dark places, writers, depression

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