In church today

Jan 23, 2011 18:03

We always sit in the front row, on the left side. Dunno why, but we always do. Pastor often pleads with the rest of the congregation: "Why don't some of you move forward; we have lots of empty seats up here." These pleas always fall on deaf ears (some of which are literally deaf; we have a large number of members in their eighties).

Today, in the middle of the first hymn, Fiona looked around us, leaned over to me and said, "We have a blast radius."

I stopped singing, somewhat stunned by her comment. "What?"

"Look." I turned around and saw what she meant: the church was rather empty (subzero weather today) and there wasn't anyone sitting anywhere within twenty feet of us. I looked back at her--and cracked up.

And I continued to giggle sporadically about it throughout the entire service.

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