Overheard at dinner

Jul 26, 2009 19:59

Me (requesting feedback on a new recipe): "So what do you think of the Shepherd's pie?"

Fiona: "I like it better than the taco pie recipe. The strawberries helped, I think." (This sounds like a strange addition to a Shepherd's pie, but she was actually referring to the strawberries which topped the side spinach salad).

I gave her an amused look. "Strawberries are magical like that."

Fiona: "There is little in this world that cannot be vastly improved by the ingestion of strawberries."

Me: "Eat your spinach, Fiona. You need your folate."

Rob (helpfully): "The spinach is better with the strawberries."

Fiona (wrinkling her nose): "The strawberries are much better without the spinach."

food, heard at dinner, fiona

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