May 03, 2005 14:56
Here's my contribution to the Star-Trek-crew-member-assignment-a-thon.
I am most familiar with The Next Generation (in fact, I've seen very
little of any of the others), and what I have to say will reflect that.
Captain: Drew. Do Philosopher-kings really make the best rulers? Only one way to know for sure!
Second in Command: aglia,
because she is more knowledgeable about the show than just about anyone
I know. I would make her captain for that reason, but, you understand,
I have this Platonic experiment going on. My reason for not reversing
their roles is probably obvious: the second in command must be prepared
to take over in emergency situations, and the philosopher-king really
would seem to me more a man of thought than a man of action. More
importantly, I know aglia can be counted on in times of crisis, because
she’s been there for me. (Good thing Star Trek has no live studio
audience, because they’d be going “aaawwwww” now.)
Third in Command: Let’s put
epione in here. She has a good head in emergencies, too, and she
complements aglia in a lot of ways. They can disagree a lot and still
get along, making quips about pants (etc.) the while.
Helm: choephora. I promise
never to bring this up again, but we all had a good laugh at her
expense when she couldn’t find her way out of epione’s subdivision.
Choephora could steer us into unpredictable places and the result would
be Adventure with a capital A. (I should probably add that my sense of
direction is probably worse than choephora’s, and that I can’t drive.)
Doctor: the obvious (and
probably best) choice here would be epione, I’d think; but since
madtinkerer already chose her, I feel it would be cheating. I choose
mesembria, because I would get a kick out of seeing her greet people in
sick bay, waving a needle in the air all squirting goo and trilling
cheerily, “this won’t hurt a bit!”
Interpreter: ovidius. From what
I can remember of our Sight Translations, he was both quick on his feet
and willing to volunteer. I know from classes I took with him that he’s
also an exemplary grammarian. Also, diplomatic. Also, he has some
Hebrew and I don’t.
Resident Klingon Badass Motherfucker:
I realize that not every version of Star Trek has had its Worf, but he
is an important member of the crew to me. I don’t know what his
official position is, but he is nothing if not the R.K.B.M.
Madtinkerer, I see you in this role: a gruff yet non-threatening
exterior, a critical mind and a good heart. Aspects of Klingon culture
(like their preoccupation with Honour) remind me of the Romans, and,
though I hadn’t thought of it before now, I’m pretty sure that
laryngeal stop consonant in their speech is also a feature of Scots.
I’m not absolutely positive, and I’d promise to get back to you on it,
but I really think I can and should find other ways of spending my
Teleporter operator:
iphianassa. I don’t know you too well, iphianassa, but one of the
things I recall about you when you lived here is how sweetly you would
greet people (or me, anyway). I always felt that you were either
genuinely happy to see me, or really good at faking it. What
better person to see people off of, and welcome them back onto, the
ship? Understand, you’re not just a glorified receptionist: crew
members are, to a degree, at your mercy. If someone pisses you off, he
or she just might get left behind on some godforsaken planet. As a
result, you’d get plenty of respect, methinks.
Chief Engineer:
dreamlikedouche. To the best of my knowledge, dreamlikedouche has no
practical knowledge of, nor experience in, this area. Seems to me,
though, he’d be able to catch on pretty quickly. Most importantly, I am
sure that even if the ship were in dire trouble, he would stay calm,
cool, and collected. I have never seen dreamlikedouche panic.
Assistant to Chief Engineer -
this one can be Dan B.’s job, since, as I said, I don’t think
dreamlikedouche has any practical knowledge of, or experience in, this
Talking Encyclopedia (or whatever Data’s official title is):
Dr. Brown. I really think this would be the ideal career for him. Sure,
he likes teaching, but the administrative aspect of the university
makes him crazy. Also, his sense of humour is perfectly suited to those
infamous final scenes in TNG episodes (often featuring Data) that are
supposed to elicit an indulgent chuckle and gentle shaking of the head.
(It’s hypocritical of me to call them infamous, since I love them. And
yes, I always laugh at Dr. Brown’s jokes. I admit these things because
I know you’ll call me on them.)
Oh yeah -- and if he were an android, he could have that coveted prehensile tail!
Counselor (as in Deanna Troi):
Dr. MacLachlan. Perhaps it is because all my experience with her has
been outside the classroom and the brunt of it has been, well,
counseling. But this role cries out for her, I think.