I haven't written anything fanficcy in OVER A WEEK which is probably the longest I've gone since January. I've managed to catch up on quite a bit of reading (think I'll do a rec list later in the week, whoot!) - but not nearly enough. There's still so much fanfic on my little read later app, I can't even. I want faster eyeballs. I've read all the salt_burn_porn and how is everyone so wonderful on such short notice? I don't get it.
Anyway, I'm taking this writing break on purpose so it feels awesome, but my fingers are getting a little itchy and I keep thinking about my 2012 Big Bang idea, which can be kind of low-grade stressful because I need to work out the kinks and I can't figure everything out in my little brain. So I'm a bit worried about it, but I also sort of want to go ahead and start working it out - it's a J2 Marriage of Convenience thing that I've been thinking about off and on since I was writing this year's Big Bang. And I will do it, you mark my words. I'll probably get started on that outline this weekend - in hopes that putting my fingers to the keyboard will clear up some of my befuddlement - before the Xmas exchange starts up.
ONTO THE SHOW! I sort of thought I might do an episode reaction post after the season premiere but my F-List had already said everything but better. Anyway, I'll just say: Oh, Supernatural, I'm so in love with you, from your ewww, slimy title card to Sam and his FUCKING FACE and his SCARY-AWESOME-THROAT-CHOKING HELLUCINATIONS and his BEING STOIC and CALLING OUT TO CAS to DEAN and his I feel really fucking scared and helpless, so I'll just fix the Impala, watch porn, drink, and bark at Sam self while having AWESOME HAIR, to Cas being big and scary again before being woobie for a minute, then being all OH HELLO LEVIATHAN! Yay Yay!!
All of you is wonderful, SPN. I've reached a point where even the things that bug me a little make character-sense and so I am accepting because I love {{{{{squishes show}}}}}