I'm going to *try* to keep this brief. But it was a five-day trip, so bear with me?
I left straight from work, helped Jake get things in order, and then around 3 we headed toward Dayton. Within two turns we were lost. We are TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE at getting places. It's really sad.
Got to the airport in plenty of time. Checked in with absolutely no trouble. Jake took care of everything online so it was very breezy.
The flight itself... that's another story. Our flight attendant was insane, and the plane was SO small. (Two seats on one side, one seat on the other.) They had to move people around to "balance the weight." Would that freak you out?! What's more, when we landed, the left side landed way before the right side did.
When we got to Washington DC we just hung out at Jake's house and didn't do much of anything. I went to bed around 11 and I was completely exhausted.
I met a lot of Jake's family, including his mom's mom, whom I'd been warned to fear. (She liked me.) Some people I had met over last Xmas break, so it was nice to see them again. The food was amazing. NOTHING came from a can. This, to me, is foreign. Jake's mom, Deborah, cooked everything. (People brought some dishes but mostly just fruit and stuff. She cooked it all.) So many people, so much food. DIVINE.
When everyone left and Jake and I took his grandmother home, we decided to go see a movie. All five of us (Jacob, his parents, his sister, and I) went to the theatre... but we split up! Deborah, Cory, and I saw Rent and Jake and his dad saw Goodnight and Good Luck. The movies started at the same time. Ours went a little later but it was alright. Deborah said she hadn't gotten to get out and see a movie in a while so that felt good. :) AND RENT WAS AMAZING. Definitely can't wait to see it again.
Crashed and burned again, exhausted.
What did we do on Friday?
Oh right. VERIZON. Jacob and his dad needed new phones so Cory and I tagged along on what ended up being a THREE HOUR adventure. UGH.
We also went to see Jake's friends that night. I remember Dylan, Ryan, Brian, Sean (Shawn? Shaun? must ask Jake), Simon, Sarah, Jessica, and Anthony. I'm sure I'm forgetting someone. We played Cranium (I misspelled poinsettia!) and Elmer Facky. It was fun and I didn't feel like a complete idiot. Jake has a great group of friends.
Headed home before it was TOO late because we had to get up at 8am...
...to get a tour of the Capitol Building!
Jake's friend Jessica translates for the DC police and interns at some political office. (LINDA T. SANCHEZ!) She gives tours of the Capitol as part of her internship. That means backstage, beotch! It was a really fun tour and I learned quite a bit. For instance, each state has two statues in the Capitol Building. Here's the index, in case you're curious about them. (
http://www.aoc.gov/cc/art/nsh/index.cfm) They're really cool. #100 was finally placed there, so we got to see it.
Saturday we went out again. Jacob thought it was going to be more of a party atmosphere, I think, but it ended up just being me, Jake, Simon, and Harry at Simon's house. I had a good time but I don't think Jake got enough out of his system. (Sorry babe.)
This day was crap.
We didn't really do anything but get ready to go back to the airport. Jacob tried to do our tickets online again... but it wouldn't. Finally, he managed to get HIS ticket, but mine wouldn't print. He called United and they said I'd have to check in at the airport.
When we got there, there were terrible lines. Eventually, Jake checked my luggage outside while Deborah tried to check me in through a computer. They both succeeded, so we said our goodbyes and Jake and I headed toward the gates. When we got there, the guy informed me that I didn't have the right boarding pass-- the computer hadn't printed it out right. We went all the way back out (his parents were already gone, too) and another guy tried to help us. Finally, around 4:05, he got my tickets printed. Our plane was boarding at 4:20.
They let us cut back to the front of the line we had already waited in... but then I was told that I was randomly chosen to be searched. When they were done with that, it was 4:14. We still had to take a tram to our gate. It was definitely past 4:20 when we got to our gate but we did make it.
Just in time for our flight to sit on the runway for half an hour. UGH. But at least the flight was monumentally smoother this time around.
We wanted to stop at Friendly's again on the way back home but we got LOST. Several times, in fact. It took us two hours to get home, at which point I never wanted to be in a car again. I crashed at Jacob's place and left this morning at 6.
Jacob took a few pictures, but he hasn't had time to post them or send them to me. There is one of me in front of the Capitol Building, though: