QAF 121 Drabble

Dec 07, 2005 23:56

My muse has been busy today! Here's my 121 drabble, and I actually already have my 122 drabble written, only it's on my computer at work, so I'll post it tomorrow.

Episode 121
When Brian told you he was going to New York, you didn't think anything could hurt worse than that. Now he's telling you that he's never going to look back, that he's never even going to think about you, and that he expects you to do the same, and you realize you were wrong.

He says you'll be fine without him, but you know you won't be. When you think about the rest of your life without him in it, it's like all the air has rushed out of the room; it's all you can do to just keep breathing.

qaf fic

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