QAF 117 Drabble

Dec 05, 2005 11:45

I am seriously going to try to get season 1 finished by the end of the year. That means 5 more drabbles in the next 26 days. Plus, I *am* still working on the challenges people left for me. I have two of them partially written and ideas on the other two. I hope to post at least one of them by next weekend.

Episode 117

Who does this Gui asshole think he is, telling me he's going to adopt Gus? I have to stop this from happening, but how? Then Justin says something about achieving your goals, and I realize that maybe I can fix this. I can give Gus to Melanie. All the problems between Mel and Lindz started when I refused to sign my parental rights over to Melanie, and I realize now that I can do that and still be his father. Maybe if I do this, I can get the munchers back together and get Gui out of our lives forever.

qaf fic

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