I've been telling myself that someday I'd get back to writing drabbles for almost a year now (seriously, I just checked... the last time I posted a drabble was 11/12/2004), and I guess the day has finally come, because I was inspired to write the next two drabbles today!
Episode 114 Drabble
Justin noticed Kip sitting across the bar, and he quickly recognized him from Brian's loft. He knew right away that he had to do something. He had told Michael that he would help Brian if he could, and Brian that he would do anything to help, and he had meant every word of it.
Justin got up and walked over to Kip. He almost immediately decided that the man was creepy and not even hot. He couldn't imagine what had possessed Brian to fuck the little weasel. But that didn't matter; all that mattered was getting Brian out of trouble.
Episode 115 Drabble
Why the fuck did I listen to Debbie? I knew this was a bad idea; my father reacted exactly the way I expected. His words play over and over again in my head, "You're the one that should be dying instead of me." I wanted to hit him. But if I hit him, that would make me just like him, so I satisfied myself with slamming a fist into one of his boxes. After all these years, after all the things he's said and done to me, you wouldn't think his rejection would still hurt this much, but it does.
If you want to read my earlier drabbles, you can find them all