Drabble: Think of Me

Feb 12, 2007 07:49

I had actually started this one before I did It's the Thought that Counts, but I could not get it to work out to 100 words. In fact, the main reason I wrote that one was because I couldn't get this one to work. Well, I guess perseverance pays off, because I finally got it! So... I guess you could consider this a prequel.

(cross-posted to qaf_drabbles)

Title: Think of Me
Author: peggin
Rating: PG
And the Condom goes to: Justin

Think of Me

Years ago, Brian had been the one planning to go to New York. He'd told Justin he'd never think about him, and he expected Justin to do the same. How Brian felt today couldn't possibly be more different and he needed Justin to know that.

He could have said something, but he was still Brian Kinney so that would never happen. Instead, he bought an impressively proportioned dildo and put it in a gift box with a prepaid cell phone. What better way to say, "I'll think about you all the time... and I expect you to do the same."

qaf fic

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