(no subject)

Jun 24, 2005 01:33

Coldplay: "For our next album, we're going to push the boundaries of pop music and actually try to soundtrack a coma."

I have nothing to do so I’m going to write and if you like, you can read. Or you can sweat. We all seem to be doing a lot of that recently, sweating and then complaining about it. Writing it down because it picks at us so much we feel compelled to tell others. Fair enough.

Creativity is a bitch. I spent too much of today, dripping over a guitar, fingers greasy with sweat, concentrating on six fuckers and their twenty-two accomplices.
It’s great when something conjures up so much passion and, at the same time, frustration and anger that while you cherish it, you want to rip it to pieces.
When the riff wouldn’t come, when I couldn’t get that hook/motif, I began smashing my hand into the strings again and again; beating it like my worst enemy.
In a mass of feedback, blurry screeching and painful wails, I cut my hand. I put the guitar back; it was a beast that I couldn’t tame today. So with a bleeding hand, I left my room and went and lied in the hammock.
After dinner, I was desperate to try again.
And then Creativity got back from lunch and it all fell into place and I came up with something I liked. I liked it so much that when I was bored of hearing it, I unplugged the guitar from my amp and walked out into the back garden just fingering it because it felt like a comfort blanket.
It was assurance that if I tried, I could get what I wanted out of the fucker.

I got a CD in the post from Nic (fuck lj links (we can’t call them tags anymore cos they’re something else), I don’t know how to do them. She’s not waving, she’s drowning) this morning. Desire by Bob Dylan. It’s a lovely album, I only listened to it once but his production has come a long way. His songs continue to make me shiver with jealousy and overwhelm me with aspiration. The fiddle adds a different feel to the LP and his lyrics are as good as they’ve ever been. I recommend it implicitly but then I recommend each of his works that I’ve heard. If it’s good enough for Nic and I, it’s good enough for you so go buy it.
After this information, those of you that go to a record shop and actually buy X&Y&we’reghey by Coldplay without owning Desire, please remove yourselves from my “Friends” list, it will save me some hassle. Merci.

Cicatriz Esp is coming to an end. Yeah, that’s it. Family Guy time.

songwriting, albums

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