A night with Richard Dawkins

Mar 03, 2009 19:11

I had a wonderful evening last night that I don't want to forget, so I now dedicate this memory to my journal.

I've been looking forward to this evening for a long time. My hero is coming to talk at my University. I knew he was coming a year ago, and I've been impatiently awaiting his arrival.

I invited Sarah to come see him with me. She can truly understand how amazing he is to me. She has read his books, she has seen his talks, she understands my passion.

So we planned a full evening; she would meet me at work, we'd see the animals, go get some food, and finish the evening with a lecture.

Things went according to plan. All of the animals in the zoo were out and active! The red panda was showing interest in us, the Pallas Cat stalked an unaware squirrel. The squirrel jumped 4 feet into the air when the cat hit the fence trying to nab him. Overall, it was a very entertaining trip through the zoo.

Aaron called, so I invited him out to dinner, but he passed. I always love talking to Aaron, he makes my nights better.

Sarah and I carpooled to Sansu- the best sushi place in East Lansing. We tried experimental new rolls and they were INCREDIBLE!

The lecture was witty and entertaining. It was everything I hoped it would be. Richard suggested that perhaps our evolved behaviors are being used against us, and we are evolving even more new morphed behaviors that work in the current society/context we live in. It's food for thought, and I will keep observing.

Sarah and I stayed around to see Richard close up as he signed our tickets. He was tired by the time we reached the table, but I thanked him for coming out to talk to us. I knew he wouldn't want to have a long conversation.

As it turns out, this was the very first sold out World Views Lecture at MSU EVER. I'm not suprised, Richard is an Athiest/Biologist Superstar. Well deserved fame, or infamy if you will.

As we left the theatre for the parking ramp, I discovered a 5 dollar bill lying on the ground. This was amazing! Not only was the lecture free, but now the parking was free as well.

Tradgedy struck the evening when we discovered the zoo's parking lot was closed after sundown; Sarah's car was locked inside!

After much debate and trying the lock on the gate, we voted to walk to her car, retrieve her night bag, and return to Saginaw. I'd drive Sarah back to her car in the morning when I came into work.

After socializing with the roommates, we made a comfy bed for Sarah on the couch and retired.

I closed the evening by purging toxic friendships; what a breath of fresh air.

I also set up a new date for the next week.

I went to sleep happy, feeling full with new ideas, positive with future prospects, and content with the friendships I have developed.


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