A tribute to Nikki Lee Wise.

Jul 07, 2005 08:50

I miss this girl so much. Kindred spirits to say the least. Here are a few posts on my wall from her. It's hard to believe how close we got this year. Blah, blah, blah...lol...I know none of you care, but I thought these were funny and very "Nikki-ish"..

"My dearest Mary Kathryn....WE WENT TO CLARKSDALE ON YOUR BIRTHDAY. IT. WAS. A. BLAST. Happy 21st...er...19th birthday. I love you and I hate that people write on your wall and that no one loves me. This is all just one long attempt to get YOU to write something on MY lonely, lonely wall. I don't really care about you at all....wow, that rhymed. Okay. Now I'm just going to continue the think out loud a little bit longer (fade into "the inside of Nikki Wise's brain" sequence)...."Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! I HATE Renee Zellweger...In the sandwich of life, she is the disgusting, tainted mayo that soils the pure and tasty sliced cold-cut. Wow. I love Jack White. Taco Bell is orgasmic. Mary Kathryn Allen is the coolest!" (fade out--sequence concluded)....Peace out."

"Oh my dear, sweet Mary Kathryn the Allen. You made my day! It's amazing how much I miss our little 9x13 prison cell we made a home. I miss the inside jokes...I have zero now :( I sit in Corning and blubber. I think when I go back I'll probably kiss the pavement like a sailor that made it through a hurricane...REMEMBER THIS: Always eat fruit. Wizards are dangerous. Ninjas and Pirates don't get along. Pandas kick major ass, and "she's workin' that back, I don't know how to act..." (your cue)....THE MOUNTAIN CALLED MONKEY HAS SPOKEN.
I love you MK!!!!!!"
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