Creating glitter text

Aug 19, 2009 13:58

I never thought I would need to know how to do it, but in case I ever need to again.

So, you wanna create glitter text. That’s easy. All you need is Adobe Photoshop, Image Ready and a few minutes to read this tutorial. Bear with me, is my first one.

Open up Adobe Photoshop and create a new image. Let’s create one with 300 x 300. Make it with a black background, the contrast will be better this way.

Now add some text to the image. Make sure the text is big enough.

When you are satisfied with the look of the text (font, size, color, etc.) go to Filter => Noise => Add noise. In the Amount add 50% and click OK.

Now go to Layer => Duplicate layer, and click OK. Repeat this once again.

In the layers window you should have 4 layers. The background, the original text, and two copies.

In the Layers window click on the 1st copy, go to Filter => Noise => Add noise. In the Amount add 52% and click OK.

In the Layers window click on the 2nd copy, go to Filter => Noise => Add noise. In the Amount add 51% and click OK.

We are done editing in Photoshop.

Now go to File => Edit in ImageReady. Your work will open up in ImageReady.

Is he animation window open in the bottom of your screen? If not, go to Window and click on Animation.

In the Layers window make sure to have your background and original text set to visible. All the other layers should be invisible.

In your Animation window you have a small arrow in the right hand upper part. Click on that and click New frame. Now set to visible your 2nd layer and invisible the original text.

Go back to that arrow from your Animation window and create a new frame. Leave the background visible and set the 2nd layer to invisible. Go to your 3rd text layer and make it visible. Right now, only the background and your third text layer should be visible.

Here it is, your glitter is ready. To preview it press the play button from your Animation window.

If you are satisfied with the result you can save your image by going to File => Save optimized as => type in a name and click Save.

Now to get busy on laundry and scanning pictures.


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