Your result for The Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything Test...
The Deist
You scored 56% Egocentricism, 41% Hierarchy, 66% Spirituality and 59% Morality!
You are The Deist!
You are a spiritual and moral person, but that doesn't necessarily translate into your day to day life. You are most concerned with human affairs, which you believe you are in a position to manipulate, in large part to your own benefit. You may even consider it a moral duty to do so - God doesn't need you bothering him over things you can handle yourself - if he's listening at all.
You are mostly selfish. You do not believe in an ordered universe and an ordered society. The soul is more important to you than the physical universe- but it doesn't show. You believe there is justice.
You SHOULD: Consider public service. The combination of a spiritual nature with a reliance on worldly action and good luck over miracles makes you well suited for improving the world. Your greed shouldn't get in the way of that- it's expected in politics. Involve yourself in benevolent organizations and meet like-minded people there.
You should NOT: Emphasize organized religion over your private understanding of God. Try to work too closely with people who believe in miracles. You will find them ineffective and they will find you offensive. It's nice that they and you both want to save the world, just don't do it together.
Your life will be: Inspirational.
Your life may be: Happy.
Your life will not be: Meaningless.
Your opposite is: Entertainer.
Your companion is: The Sage - they will be a great teacher for you.
Check out the other personality types too!
The Medic/The ServantThe HeroThe ExplorerThe SageThe EntertainerThe EngineerThe CounselorThe MissionaryThe ConquerorThe Freedom FighterThe Chaos MageThe DeistThe VillainThe WorkerThe DevilThe Televangelist Take The Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything Test at