Dec 24, 2008 08:43
Saw a patient (m, approx: 25-30) who had a severely compromised oral cavity due to amphetamine abuse. God that stuff is horrible. It blocks your bodies ability to produce calcium, which as it turns out, is pretty important to healthy teeth. Plus, he drank a case of Mountain Dew a day when he was tweaking and didn't brush his teeth. Did two extractions (12,23) due to completely compromised extracoronoal surfaces, leading to severe leakage into pulp chamber. Extractions take some hand strength. Note to self: exercise hands more.
Dr is considering taking him on for a hardship case but he has to enter rehab first. No one is interested in doing $5000 worth of work on a dude who will just go tweak out again. I would be hesitant to take the case. There are many patients in need of pro-bono work that are not as unhealthy as this fellow.
Speaking of charity work, does anyone out there in LJ land know a person that wears a partial denture? I'm looking for a clinical case to work on in the fall, so all lab work and material will be free. Please let me know ASAP cause I'd love to do it. Plus, if you're extra nice to me, I'll put in a gold central incisor so you can be flossin'