And record companies wonder why people arn't buying music anymore

Aug 19, 2008 21:08

So it looks like Guns N Roses and AC/DCs latest albums will be -exclusively- available though Wal-Mart.

Now THATS a Chinese Democracy!

The other item proving pop music has no soul was the story I heard on Marketplace, wherein advertising companies are creating record labels in order to push product. Red Bull and Tag "body spray" will both be in the music biz by the end of the year.

That and you know that ubiquitous "double your pleasure" song? Turns out its more than just a clever use of an older advertising slogan...Wrigley's paid to produce it. They have a song with Akon called "Big Red" coming out soon. I shit you not.

So, steal music kids. Fuck the record companies and to blazes with the so called artists that are snuggling up to these corporate stooges in order to force the American consumer into buying one more thing that they really don't need.

I really hope they fall flat on their faces, I really do.
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