classic moments in parenting

Dec 19, 2008 15:52

My son is out playing in the snow and a few minutes ago I hear frantic cries and screams of "Mommy! Come help me!" Fearing the worst I rush out without boots or anything to find my son dangling from the tree in front of our house. His snowpants had snagged on one of the branches and he was hanging upside down flailing wildly, totally unable to get down. I was very stern with him at the time since he wasn't supposed to be climbing that tree. It's a Japanese maple, which is a very expensive tree and its branches are pretty slender. I told him the last time that I caught him climbing it that he was to stay out of it since I didn't want him damaging the tree by snapping off one of the branches. (I don't mind him climbing trees and there are a couple of other good climbing trees to the front part of the yard. I just want him to stay out of that one.) But then I came inside and peeled off my snowy socks and laughed hysterically. The sight of him dangling there was so freaking hilarious. I'm glad he didn't catch me laughing. It would have totally ruined my credibility for punishing him.
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