
Oct 29, 2008 16:45

This morning Bryce wasn't feeling so great. I knew it was going to be iffy about whether he was going to go to school because he had woken up in the middle of the night so sniffly that he needed another dose of benadryl. He hasn't been running a fever at all, and we went for a walk yesterday so I was thinking probably just bad allergies. He really wanted to go to school. (I don't want to miss music, mom. It's my favorite.)So I got him all ready and we started to walk to school. Halfway there he pukes his breakfast all over the front of his coat. So now we have to walk home. So I got to escort a vomit-covered tantruming child back home and call the school to let them know he was home sick today. Lovely. So we didn't go buy Halloween candy today or go to the thrift store to buy Bryce some sweaters. I've been keeping the house cooler this year to try and keep our energy costs down and the boys have been complaining. Bryce has an excuse. He has no sweaters to layer over his shirt if he's cold. I guess tomorrow is errand day. I've been trying to clean the house today. More than a month of sickness left me totally unable to clean and so the house is in quite a state. Just to round out my day I cleaned up the dog poo from the backyard and unstopped a clogged toilet. And cleaned moldy food out of dishes so I could put them in the dishwasher. This is the sort of day that makes me miss having no sense of smell. Yech.
At least I'm healthy enough now to deal with this stuff. I switched to soymilk last week and it's really been helping. I do this every couple of years. Dairy does bad things to my energy level. But I keep forgetting and thinking it's no big deal, and then I'm all shocked when I switch back to soymilk and I feel so much better. I attribute most of this to the sudden reduction in phlegm. My sinus infection is even starting to clear up.
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