Birthday achieved

Jul 01, 2008 23:22

We may have had to pull it out of our butts at the last minute, but the little guy doesn't know that. All he knows is that he is a big boy (5 is apparently a HUGE milestone in his mind) and he got lots of presents, and ice cream cake, and a trip to chuckEcheese. Whew. My dad brought him a remote control car this weekend, which he loves. And I got him a kite, a couple of little siege engines and toy knights to go with his toy castle, and a big bottle of bubble solution from Learning Express, and Dan had the joy of running all over town on Sunday afternoon (which at least kept him away from my intolerably rude relatives - I am so proud of myself for not killing, or even definitively telling off, my brother-in-law. My dad was perfectly pleasant and I truly enjoyed having him here. ) Our first five ideas for a main present fell through because nobody had them in stock. Finally he found a toy workbench at Toys'r'us. Bryce adores it and could hardly drag himself away from it to go to bed tonight. We also got him a couple dvds of old tv series... "The Lone Ranger" and "Zorro Rides Again." Maybe this will distract him enough to where he'll allow me to send Treasure Planet back to Netflix. All in all, a good day. And he'll get more toys this weekend when we go see his other grandpa. He's getting a tee ball set and a soccer goal set. Wow, he is such a spoiled child. Happy, but spoiled.
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