Mar 16, 2008 20:24
My website is up! Go visit This is my marketing/PR company. I've mostly done work with bands and progressive, non-profit events, but as soon as school is out, I'm looking into expanding into working with different types of artists and organizations. Oh, and maybe start charging for my services, haha.
On another note, I've decided that I need a vacation from my life. Or that I should become a recluse for a few days. I spent the entire day today almost entirely alone (probably the first in a long time), and I liked it. I need more days like these in my life. I've been feeling really high strung to where every little thing has started to annoy me (just like the movie!). Maybe I should go out of town for a little bit. Well, I'm going on tour this week, and that should be fun, but I would like to travel somewhere without having any obligations when I get there. I'm thinking either Reno so I can visit my dad again, Seattle just to check out the city and hang out with friends living there, or NYC because I felt so refreshed the last time I went there.
Now if only the time and money would magically materialize, then I'll be golden.