Its happening everywhere

Jul 17, 2005 09:24

[Venue: NCST Juhu mini canteen] A couple of months back, mayni complained that nothing interesting is happening on LJ. Everyone laughed when she mentioned it.

[Venue: NCST Kharghar staff area] A couple of days back, bhavanar complained that LJ is becoming boring since no one is making any posts. This time srini_vas laughed.

Am I complaining too? Nope. I am playing my part for LJ and am happy about it. Even if all my friends stop posting on LJ, I won't stop. I am not writing anything for their reading. Besides my posts are not inspired by their writings 90% of the times. Its personal. I write for my own satisfaction. After my initial posts, I once made grievances that only few people comment on my post. People who responded to that post trying to encourage me were _samurai_jack, code_martial and suhit_kelkar. Those were the days when I was seeking feedback, directly or indirectly. Feedback not just about the content of posts I were making. More of indirect feedbacks were sought. Indirect feedbacks to know the kind of people I have as my LJ pals. Also feedback about my writing style. Content will vary but style would remain relatively stable for some more time. This reminds me, my LJ pals list needs some trimming. An activity scheduled for next month.

Whats the moral of this post? (I feel) You don't have to care about drowsiness among your LJ pals or for LJ overall. You write because you want to. I write because I want to learn to write. As my LJ biography still says that I _hate_ reading and writing because thats true even today. An attitude that needs to change. Quite an inability that I am trying hard to overcome. I haven't yet mastered this art. There is long way to go and I will be treading path to perfection.


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