Feb 03, 2021 16:56
A few good people to start with. Humans preferably. Gods are overkill. Godmans are a definite no-no. Last thing you need to deal with is cults and mobs. Now that the basics are over, lets move to the next few ingredients.
The team should speak same vocabulary. As leader, you have to set the tone and rhythm. And as a guardian, you will need to often translate the vocabulary as well.
This will be two way bridge, you as leader, will be responsible for building and maintaining. Your team will need your backing and you will need their backing. Trust deficit can introduce bottlenecks not allowing either one to progress.
You as a leader can visualize the big picture. Your team will specialize in detailing. In order to ensure that there is no disconnect between the trees and the forest, free flow of questions in both directions is required. A leader should question the choice of implementation while the team should question the rationality of the approach/strategy.
There will be disagreements. Make decisions. They can be sensible and obvious; irrational and bold; but they can never be suicidal for you or your team. You can own up suggestions of team and present that as decision. But once owned, you cannot blame the team if the outcome doesn't match the expectations. You falter here and the whole trust bridge falls apart. And so does the project.
captain obvious,
common sense