Mar 16, 2020 10:01
I just hope that won't be the case with accepting covid-19 mortality rates as the new normal among the citizens. Because governments, business houses and media barons will push for normalizing this when they will fail to tame this. Is taming this whole thing impossible? Difficult, yes. Impossible, no.
Lets talk about business houses first. Businesses are not running for charities. And then there are ultra greedy ones. My sister's school has closed school for students but because they are paying salaries to teachers, teachers ought to come to school on daily basis so that schools can squeeze the last ounce of everything from them. Will they pay for health cover for this pandemic in case she is exposed? They are not paying even right now anything for her or her dependent's health cover. Rather based on their track record of abuse towards teachers, they will just issue pink slip for anyone showing any symptoms. That's the typical Indian Business houses for you. When there's no government support for taking care of workers in private industries, a worker will slog till his/her last breath in order to feed their families. I suspect this to be the case across world as well.
Governments and businesses love disaster. It helps the corrupt officials while business houses flourish by increasing their sale among panicked citizens. The only way this can change if citizens refuse to accept these deaths as the new normal. That will happen only if we don't become insensitive to all of these happening around us. As the number of cases will rise, there will be rise in panic. As the number of deaths will increase, there will be rise in insensitivity. If we as citizens could tame these two emotional components only then citizens could drive their governments in getting their priorities in right order.