Back to first floor. Oh wait, I have moved in but am yet to move in!

Mar 17, 2014 20:17

Putting up this behind LJ cut as it contains an original scale of panaromic pic of the renovated first floor of office. Some friends used to hate a horizontal scrollbar in bottom on their LJ friends page. So it's only for their convenience assuming they are still on LJ :P

That's the new look of first floor -

Just so that my memories don't start deceiving me of how the old one looked like, i am happy to have pics of the earlier edition in flickr. This URL should help you see through pics tagged as office in my post. While most of the pics in this tags are also about other people's offices and trips I had to make because of office, it does give a glimpse of ncst 1st floor of origin. Browsing through the search result came across this one -
which was ironically titled - why I clicked this?

Now I know why I clicked it. Just for the time like this when I would like to feel nostalgic :)

office, flickr, pics

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