Clouding the clouded the minds

Jun 02, 2012 07:34

Had fiddled with eucalyptus almost 2 years back ( but that time it was more of personal fun stuff. This time it's official business. Nope, we are not setting up cloud as that has been already by done by hell lot of "don't know how many" people in country. There's a certain specific activity granted to us almost a month back. We kept requesting one of our sister unit for access to their cloud but instead of providing access, they just kept replying back with 'training dates'. After getting pissed off literally getting training date even after 3rd request for access, finally decided to setup one locally. As expected, moved on to the latest Ubuntu edition (12.04 LTS) which comes with MAAS goodie. Now this MAAS goodie turned out to be more painful than the eucalyptus goodie of last time. First of all, something is messed up with its dnsmasq thingy due to which nameservers are probably not giving right results. Essentially I could not install the MAASdhcp package which was required for me to setup the local cloud as per their primitive recommendations. Why primitive recommendations? Because 12.04 guys haven't put up anything more than primitive help on their wiki pages for setting up MAAS. So even though my network requirements are different and setup conditions are different than what their limited pages say, I was forced to create an artificial environment as per their recommendations. And even after doing that, the stuff just won't move ahead beyond basic installation courtesy lack of dhcp package in their base installation. And as for installing the nodes, after recognizing the MAAS server on network they would just power off. While their documentations state that nodes will power off after completion of setup, I doubt if anything like that has happened. Because the nodes were not manageable from the MAAS dashboard and nor did they boot up as MAAS node after rebooting. Anyways, I haven't given up on it yet and would be continuing the stuff in later part of next week. Monday and Tuesday will be busy with meetings at Delhi. And I do hope that the officials at Delhi would be able to grant us access to their cloud setup which our sister unit has indirectly refused to help us with.

In case you are wondering why we didn't try out the public cloud stuff, well, we did that too. We did try 1 hour of fiddling with public cloud provided by canonical folks and we surely are grateful to them. Did few installations on it and did got onto the openstack dashboard but could not do more than that. We tried copying WSO2 Stratos setup on that instance but copying 2.1 GB turned out impossible in 1 hour's time. So that didn't lead us too far either.

Unfortunately for these reasons, been losing out to race against time for the activity assigned to us. But, will surely catch up with it soon as had done in past :)


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