"Faster, cheaper, better. Pick two, but you can't have all three." Came across this while browsing through this month's IEEE Spectrum magazine (
I find this quote relevant for my experiences with PC hardware. Almost 3 people I know who bought assembled PC last year from different vendors have been through pains of servicing parts, as frequently as, in 6 months. In latest, two are complaining about motherboard problem. One is facing power-supply problem. You can't blame 'because assembled' as the reason. I have witnessed such problems coming across IBM and Compaq (now HP) workstation class machines too. Some one quoted 'Made in China/Taiwan/Korea/etc' as the prominent reason. I wouldn't like to believe this allegation. But then I have come across Siemens Nixdorf (Made by SNE, 'designed' in Germany), an 6+ year old baby, which outperforms the 'supposedly better' celeron babies bought apprx 4 years ago.
Anyway, sorry for this distraction. I recommend reading
Who killed the Virtual Case File? article from this month's issue.