Apr 27, 2006 00:02
...but dont worry Repeat I still think they are dumb :)
So Im totally stressed out...dont know why...just have alot happening in the next two weeks and not enough time to get anything done...I spent most of today working on calc hw thats not done because it has given me a massive headache and made my eyes hurt so bad that im wearing my glasses...so i'll just turn in a partially completed hw and be done with it...but what concerns me most about the stressed out thing is that i dont care again. LIke im not caring that ims tressed out im just stressed out and im like whatever. Which frightens me, cuz last time i got like this it had a very bad outcome...and with finals right around the corner that doesn't make me happy.
but boys really do make me giggle...Nick and Tyler are dorks...and are seriously entertaining me and distracting me right now which is not good...and some how i've aquired 3 new nick names in like a matter of 10 min....among other boys who have made me laugh quite histerically all day today....
But on the other hand...i have psycho ex's who are talking to me all the sudden....sigh annoying!
Can i just say that having friends who know me all to well is scary, and yet a comfort. Like beyond camp friends, camp friends dont scare me, i realize you know more about me than lots of people. But that I've gotten really close to "real world" friends who know me just as well as camp people and see me like once a month if that is amazing! And its really hard not to get in the car and drive for 4 hours just to get a hug from them sometimes....sigh...i love familys away from familys....
ANd now i think i should take my aching eyes and head to bed....if i can break away from silly boys