Mar 19, 2006 21:56
so some quick phrases/comments of the amazing Core camp that was...
House House House!
"nothing is better than brittany spears"- Swoosh
"so the others dont sleep with a radio because they dont swing that way" -Swoosh (slightly editted to preserve identites)
"PeeWee how flexible are you?"- Dribbles (during summer but she ended up on our quote board anyways without being there)
"Check out that spork action!"- PeeWee
"Clam chowder has clams in it."-Boba
"so the quest wont make it up the im going to go see if salamanders keys are in her truck" -Buttons (she then walks out) "soooo 10 points we will be seeing her again in 10 min"
"ooo I must have another one, this is longer.....maybe i'll have two..."- Buttons on the longer scewer to do marshmellows on the STOVE
Salamanders Gang...S passe!
canoes in the snow what??
Ooops and the Schermanites!
"'re wanted on the telephone..."
"this is the wait that never goes on and on my friends.."
mmm grace at teh pizza place!!
Honda Club!
SNOW SNOW SNOW!! sledding...all kidns of funness...snow angels in the 101 medow what?
"So buttons hypothecially speaking...." (insert any question)
"so you know where a good place to sled would be?" "off the roof!" "with mattresses" "i wonder if we can maintance reck them..."
"SO buttons hypothecically speaking does Radar have a bulldozer?"
scouts own for 4 people HECK YES
the ranch house has a bathtub!!
buttons on the chairs in massey...enough said...
" many pairs of pants are you wearing??"
BOBA dont lose your keys again!
"where is teh ceder crest trail?" "right there" "can we park here" "no" *they go find a parking spot* walking back.."where you guys headed?"-yogi "up to pyramid" "ummmm prolly not the best idea...if you start losing trail come back...the snow is deep." (note hikers in jeans and tennis shoes with massivly deep snow and just sweatshirts) "ok..we have no hiking experiance" "in that case i wouldnt go past the fence" "thanks" (they walk off) "so how much money you guys got?"-yogi "a dollar"-rusty "dollar bet it is"
"so buttons hypothecially speaking...where's a good sizzler in orange county?"
"so buttons hypothecially should we tell you if a camper is dead?"
"so if a counselor says something NCA and no one hears it is it still NCA?"
buttons has a vibrating clock...
BUTTONS THAT WAS NOT 15 mph... "yes it was" "ummm NO" "ok so maybe just a little over" "that was a dribbles 15!"
oh i heart CORE camps :)