Oct 24, 2007 15:44
Well it has been awhile for me.
For those who don't already know, I leaving seattle foreva!
Well not forever, but merely to start my career. It goes to the tune of thus:
Come the end of the month, well actually monday 29th oct. i leave to go as far as the farm to start my journey. I spend the night in a relatives house and then leave for Lewiston Idaho where i'll be staying at the Guest House Inn. During my time there i'll be going through rigorous training with SWIFT transportation/Trucking for 23 days. After which i then make my way home for 6 weeks of mentoring being based out of Sumner for the time and then i get the keys to my own company truck and take off for the wild blue yonder. But i really need to get that line from Pirates where Jonny depp says somthing about eggs and bringing him that horizon, perhaps someone can help me. But yea that would be a great line to say when i pick up a load and i pull onto the interstate... Anyway so yea, that's what's happening. Bit depressed that i'm leaving seattle, but it's time. Time to see the country! And a little bit of scenery on the way. but i'll try and update this as much as possible. As many of you are aware there's not very much internet when out on the open road. la de da... later.