A Weekday Afternoon

Sep 23, 2004 01:47

I've forgotten what it feels like to have a weekday afternoon. Not the afternoon when you're stuck in school waiting for a Sanggunian meeting, or stuck in school researching in the library, or stuck in school when you're busy doing standees for the cafeteria for the JGSOM week but people end up destroying and doodling with them anyway, or stuck in school waiting for review classes for MATH 11, or stuck in school for some AJMA or COSA meeting...

but the weekday afternoon when you're already home, in the comfort of your own room, letting time fly until it's night, and it's time once again, to engage myself in my already routine of surfing the net, watching tv, studying, doing homework, and sleeping in the wee hours of the morning.

for the past weeks, I've been staying in school 'til around 8 or 9, Mondays til 930ish for Sanggunian Executive Board Meetings, Tuesdays-Wednesdays-Thursdays for either First Year Council meetings, Long tests, Review Classes, PE til 5, or the recently concluded SOM week, and Fridays with our First Year Council seminars. But there is a God, and he has finally cut me some slack.

We had our last EB meeting for the semester last Monday. My Tuesdays and Thursdays have been shortened to 3 o clock since I'm done with PE. The year council meeting has finally been decided upon and set on Wednesdays 430-6pm. And this Friday will be my last seminar on the Sanggu Constitution.

My schedule's lightening up a bit - but you know what they say, you can't speak too soon coz something's bound to come up. But as for now, I am enjoying once again, what it feels like to spend an afternoon at home, doing whatever you please, driving around, or going to the mall and splurging on... food (ergo, my beltbag), or chillin at Polo, or bummin at Cam's house - which I will finally be able to do tomorrow since I haven't bummed there in a non-nocturnal hour of the day.

Thanks for cutting me some slack Lord. I love you!
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