Nov 13, 2006 10:48
What a boring weekend that was!! All my friends suck sweaty ass, even those that dont live in my city..just cuz.
So what the hell have i been up to since last i updated like woah ago. OH! yeah. I got a new job. I worked at Gloria Jeans AND my new job for a while, and about a month ago now i finished my coffee making (for pay) days. After a bit over 4 years. Yikes.
Anyways, I now work at Wageline, which is a incoming call centre really. I have to answer ppls questions, I give information NOT advice. Although most ppl take it as advice. Ah, yeah and its all to do with Industrial Relations. Well, in the QLD state system anyways. And let me tell you ppl, this Workchoices stuff that Howard brought in has really fucked up the entire thing. Sooo many ppl get shitty about it all. Especially if they've already spoken to the Workchoices call centre. Those guys know even less then we do!!! Thats not their fault though. From what we can gather, the feds employed people who dont really know much about IR, so that there is even less information going out there. Well.. correct info. Oops, im getting carried away. Um, so its an alright job, especially for $27 an hour. Its only casual, but i get 3 days a week. Man, i have money!!
The only pain in the ass thing about it, is its over the north side, which means catching 2 buses, with a travel time of one hour and 25 minutes (when the road systems dont shut, and when buses are generally running on time). Which leads me to the other part of travelling on buses.
Seeing a person on the road just after they've been hit by a bus. Ive seen TWO already. The first one didnt seem too bad. She was sitting up at least. The one last week though. I never wish to see again. The accident must have happened a few minutes before we were there. Either way, when I looked out (not expecting anything too bad due to the last person i saw hit by a bus) the guys eyes were rolled to the back of his head, and there was blooding pooling on the road from behind his head. He died later at the hospital.
So, yeah that was fucked. My brain went into overthinking mode, and I find it too weird that i saw a person not long before they would die, but also saw what it was that would kill him. If that makes sense. Anyways, I didnt cry or anything, but i almost did on Friday when my bus went past the spot (and the approx time) where he got hit, and his family were on the footpath with flowers and some of them were crying. From a stupid mistake, from something he had probably done many times before (skipping the lights).
And the poor bus driver. That'd be tough.
So yeah last week was GREAT! :/. I also realised that I caught 16 .. SIXTEEN buses in four days last week. Thats retarded.
Uh, I also saw Placebo in September. They were amazing, as most of you know ;). Running Up that Hill blew me away. I need/want audio. I do have pictures, but that would require effort on my behalf to actually scan them. Plus we dont have a picture editing program on the computer for some reason. Whatever, Placebo were great, and i have some awesome pics (an ugly one of brian that amuses me greatly), particularly from the front row position at the Brisbane gig.
Im seeing Kylie on Saturday night. That should be a wonderful show. And amusing watching some of my friends. haha.
Ive increased my responsibilities by one. I got private health insurance. Go me and the grown up shit. That increases monetary responsibilities to two! well, maybe three if i include my board to my folks. So phone bill, health insurance and parentals. Jesus, i should slow down ;)
Anyways, what a boring update, glad y'all werent holding your breath for that one. Take care