So, my sleeping schedule has been shot. (I've been up since 04:30 or earlier today.) But that's okay, I'm more awake in class.
So, the past few days have been hetic/filled, but awesome. SHOP was on wednesday, which is always a good thing. I love going and yes. Can't go today though, because rehearsal is today/tomorrow.
Thursday was working after school for a long while on pages, and was pulled because I had to go dress rehearsal for One Act. Once Goodman kicked us out, we all hung around for awhile. Then, set up for Coffeehouse. There was drama. The acts were quite quite good. Then, clean up. Talked to Ms. Keune for a bit. and yes.
Friday, we had that code blue. There was a suspicious package near Rachel Carson (an elementary school near us). They had been in code red for awhile. Once we got let out, they had all the little 'uns walk over and they were so cute! One was walking by Evan and me as I was taking pictures and he said, "I'm afraid of high school." And yes. (And later we find out that it was nothing. They had sent a robot to check it out, but nothing interesting.)
A bunch of us went to Melissa's. Saw most of "40 Year-Old Virgin." Then, Aaron's mum came and went over there. And yes.
Saturday, woke up at eight to have to leave soon after. Then, the hour or so ride to PB, with slick roads and rain. Practice. Got dizzy during it. But it was okay. Pizza. More practice. OHMYFREAKINGGOD! WE HAVE ONLY ABOUT A MINUTE LEFT OF THE SHOW!!!! HAHAHAHA! (A show/song is four minutes long. We got through TWO minutes, having started with a minute that day.) YAY!!!
Then, home (food + shower), then One Acts (I'm sorry for worrying you, Becca.). Greenroom. And we were first. And ah! I messed up a line, actually a whole paragraph, and I couldn't figure out how to salvage it, and Amy was "ah" even though I didn't see her. But that's not why I was mad. I didn't have the energy I could have. It was the same for senior. I didn't have all the energy I normally would. :( But.. *shrug*
Intermission, then away to Aaron's. Party was cool. Cool people. Talked with these two French girls (Emiline and Marian). Marian, I think, was more shy, slightly more awkward; it was easier to hold a conversation with Emiline. Talked both French/English, in case you were wondering. Funness. and yes.
Sunday, hung out with Aaron, as we cared not about the SuperBowl. OMG it's da suPErbowl! Okay. Yes.
Monday was monday. Same with Tuesday. (It was also Monday. But conversations with Zabeth are always good. Matching, people, etc.) I can't believe it's only Wednesday. *sigh*
No competition this week, but I think we will be going to the March 25. We have one next Saturday, which is exciting!
Pages are almost completely done. Then, they circulate around for error checks. Then, they go off to printer's. And already working on next issue. (Or starting to, rather.)
Okay, It's 05:20. Which depresses me. But, oh well, now I don't have to berate myself for not going back to sleep.
//edit:I have just been informed, by Annie, through MySpace comment, that WE HAVE A FLOOR! YAAAAAAAAY! *boogies down now* *hot sex/happy music*:edit//
wah! now back to reading
Sam and Fuzzy.